Contrato de cliente de forex
acordo de cliente Forex
Este Contrato de Negociação (a seguir o & ldquo; Acordo & rdquo;) aplica-se à relação comercial entre a FXCL Markets Ltd. (doravante denominada & ldquo; Company & rdquo;) e o Cliente, a menos que tenham sido feitas estipulações ou acordos especiais.
Qualquer referência a um Cliente neste Contrato deve incluir pessoas físicas, corporações, associações não incorporadas e parcerias. Este Contrato é feito pela FXCL Markets Ltd., uma sociedade anônima constituída sob as leis de Vanuatu, com sede em Law Partners House, Kumul Lini Highway, Port Vila, Vanuatu e o Cliente.
Em contrapartida, a Companhia concorda em abrir e manter uma ou mais contas do Cliente (daqui em diante, a & ldquo; Account & rdquo;) e a Companhia concorda em prestar serviços ao Cliente em relação a transações de produtos OTC, que podem ser compradas ou vendidas por ou através da Empresa para a (s) Conta (s) do Cliente, o Cliente concorda com o seguinte:
1. Cliente & rsquo; s Account.
1.1. A Companhia se reserva o direito, a seu exclusivo critério e sem compromisso, de exigir do Cliente fundos adicionais como margem, amortecedor ou similar. A Companhia reserva-se o direito, a seu exclusivo critério e sem compromisso, de reduzir ou cancelar qualquer facilidade de margem disponibilizada ao Cliente ou de recusar o aumento de qualquer facilidade de margem. O Cliente reconhece que não pode responsabilizar a Empresa por quaisquer perdas ou danos resultantes, caso a Companhia se abstenha de exigir fundos de margem adicionais ou se a Companhia reduzir ou anular qualquer facilidade de margem ou recusar o seu aumento.
1.2. O Cliente aceita manter as margens em sua Conta conforme solicitado pela Companhia.
1.3. O Cliente deverá fazer o depósito de fundos adicionais como margem dentro de um prazo razoável sobre a Companhia; pedido. Os fundos adicionais devem chegar à Conta no prazo de 1 (um) dia na Companhia & # 39; pedido, sujeito a circunstâncias incomuns ou sujeito a um tempo de notificação mais curto dado por e a critério único e absoluto da Companhia. Os depósitos de margem devem ser feitos por transferência bancária de fundos disponíveis, a menos que a Companhia tenha expressamente concordado com outro método.
1.4. A Companhia reserva-se o direito, a seu exclusivo critério, sem compromisso, e sem aviso prévio, de forma permanente ou temporária, fechar e / ou excluir qualquer transação, ordem, opção binária ou posição da conta. Tais ações podem ser causadas por, mas não se limitando aos seguintes motivos:
1.5. O Cliente reconhece e aceita que, no caso de a margem ou prêmio solicitada pela Companhia não ser mantida corretamente dentro do prazo estabelecido pela Companhia, a Companhia poderá, a seu exclusivo critério:
1.6. Qualquer objeção a uma Chamada de Margem (mas não a uma Ordem de Parada, que é incontestável) deve ser feita por escrito e enviada à Companhia imediatamente após o recebimento da referida Margem de Chamada e deve chegar à Companhia no prazo de 12 (doze) horas a partir de a hora e a data em que o Cliente recebeu o aviso da Chamada de Margem.
1.7. Na ausência de objeção ou disputa oportuna, a margem é considerada reconhecida e aprovada pelo Cliente.
1.8. O Cliente concorda em manter não mais do que um Gabinete do Trader verificado e ativo, ao mesmo tempo que a representação básica de todas as suas transações com a Companhia. Se o Cliente optar por abrir vários Gabinetes do Trader, a verificação dos Gabinetes do Trader & rsquo; s pode ser recusada e todos os Gabinetes do Trader já verificados, exceto um, serão objeto de uma verificação adicional.
1.9. No caso de qualquer disputa em relação à (s) Conta (s) do Cliente e / ou a quaisquer posições abertas ou fechadas ou opções binárias dentro da Conta do Cliente, a Empresa se reserva o direito de investigar e auditar internamente a (s) Conta (s) incluindo todas as abertas e transações fechadas e opções binárias. Simultaneamente, os fundos das contas serão congelados e nenhuma transação será permitida até que a disputa seja completamente resolvida.
1.10. A Companhia não concede nenhuma garantia à Conta do Cliente e / ou ao investimento e / ou aos fundos.
1.11. A Companhia reserva-se o direito de fechar quaisquer posições, opções binárias ou Contas, a qualquer momento, sem aviso prévio.
1.12. A Empresa continua a ser o direito de limitar o número de contas de um tipo que um cliente pode abrir.
2. Transações de moeda estrangeira.
2.1. O Cliente autoriza a Companhia a abrir uma ou mais Contas em seu nome na FXCL Markets Ltd. para as transações do Cliente no contrato de balcão para a diferença (& ldquo; OTC FOREX / METALS / BINARY OPTION & rdquo;) produtos.
2.2. Ao fazer um pedido, o Cliente autoriza a Companhia a realizar operações de OTC FOREX / METALS / BINARY OPTION em seu próprio nome, mas por conta e risco do Cliente e de acordo com suas instruções, com bancos, instituições confiáveis ou outros participantes confiáveis que a Companhia considere apropriados, a não ser que o Cliente o indique por escrito.
2.3. O Cliente reconhece que todas as decisões relativas a uma transação são feitas independentemente pelo Cliente sem tomar nenhum conselho da Companhia. A Companhia não atua como consultora ou atua como fiduciária para o Cliente e não pode ser responsabilizada por nenhuma das transações do Cliente.
2.4. Se a opção de taxa fixa estiver disponível no país do Cliente, o Cliente poderá selecionar uma ao registrar uma nova conta em seu Gabinete. Ao selecionar a opção de taxa fixa para sua conta, o Cliente reconhece que a conversão é realizada com a taxa de câmbio fixa unitária definida pela FXCL Markets Ltd. Caso o Cliente selecione uma opção de taxa fixa para sua conta, a moeda será convertida automaticamente.
3. Aceitação de Risco.
3.1. O Cliente reconhece, aceita e entende que as transações OTC FOREX / METALS / BINARY OPTION são altamente especulativas, conforme explicado na Declaração de Divulgação de Risco da Companhia. O Cliente reconhece, aceita e entende que as transações OTC FOREX / METALS / BINARY OPTION podem representar riscos significativos, incluindo, entre outros, riscos legais e financeiros na medida de causar perdas ilimitadas, sem qualquer garantia de retenção do capital investido ou gerando lucros .
3.2. A Declaração de Divulgação de Risco da Companhia é um documento integral, que explica detalhadamente os riscos envolvidos nas transações OTC FOREX / METALS / BINARY OPTION.
3.3. A alta alavancagem e baixa margem associada a OTC FOREX / METALS / OPÇÃO BINÁRIA pode resultar em perdas significativas devido às mudanças de preços no OTC FOREX / METALS / BINARY OPTION. Um movimento de mercado relativamente pequeno pode ter um impacto acima da média nos fundos que o Cliente depositou ou deverá depositar; Isso pode funcionar contra, bem como para o Cliente. O Cliente pode manter uma perda total de fundos de margem inicial e quaisquer fundos adicionais depositados na Companhia para manter suas posições.
3.4. Se o mercado se mover contra a posição do Cliente ou se os níveis de margem forem aumentados, o Cliente poderá ser chamado a pagar fundos adicionais substanciais em curto prazo para manter sua posição. Se o Cliente não cumprir com um pedido de fundos adicionais em devido tempo, sua conta poderá ser liquidada em prejuízo e o Cliente será responsável por qualquer déficit resultante.
3.5. Ao negociar OTC FOREX / METALS / BINARY OPTION com a Companhia, a FXCL Markets Ltd. atua como revendedor, comerciante, etc. em um contrato privado com o Cliente. A Companhia pode, por sua vez, entrar em & ldquo; back-to-back & rdquo; transações com outros revendedores, comerciantes, etc., incluindo suas afiliadas. Os preços citados pelo Cliente pela Companhia incluem uma margem de preço. A Companhia não executa transações OTC FOREX / METALS / BINARY OPTION em uma troca e as transações não são liberadas por uma organização central de compensação. Portanto, qualquer transação com a Companhia será apenas uma obrigação privada da Companhia e não uma obrigação de uma câmara de compensação.
3.6. A Companhia reserva-se o direito, sem compromisso, e com bom motivo para rescindir ou fechar qualquer transação antes da data de validade a qualquer momento. A seu critério, a Companhia pode citar um preço por fechamento precoce de uma transação mediante solicitação do Cliente.
3.7. O Cliente reconhece, aceita e compreende os riscos e está disposto e capaz, financeiramente e de outra forma, assumir os riscos de negociação de opções cambiais e de opções binárias e que a perda de seu saldo completo da Conta não mudará seu estilo de vida. O Cliente reconhece que as garantias de lucro ou a ausência de perda são impossíveis de desempenho na negociação OTC FOREX / METALS / BINARY OPTION. O Cliente reconhece que não recebeu tais garantias da Companhia ou de qualquer dos seus representantes ou qualquer agente de introdução ou outra entidade com quem o Cliente esteja conduzindo sua Conta da Empresa e não tenha celebrado este Contrato em consideração ou dependendo de qualquer tais garantias ou representações similares.
4. Responsabilidade do cliente por suas decisões de negociação.
4.1. A Companhia atua unicamente na capacidade de uma contraparte contratual de um braço para o Cliente em relação às transações OTC FOREX / METALS / BINARY OPTION. A Companhia não oferece ou assume a função de consultor financeiro ou fiduciário do Cliente. As propostas de transação da Companhia, as estratégias de hedge sugeridas ou outros materiais escritos ou comunicações orais não devem ser entendidas como recomendações ou conselhos de investimento ou como expressando a visão da Empresa, se uma transação particular é adequada para o Cliente ou encontra sua objetivos financeiros. A Empresa não aceita qualquer responsabilidade decorrente de decisões comerciais.
4.2. Além disso, qualquer mercado ou cotação que a Companhia faça para o Cliente pode basear-se unicamente em mercados ou cotações que são feitas ou cotadas à Companhia pelas contrapartes com as quais coopera. Tais cotações ou mercados podem não representar as melhores cotações ou mercados disponíveis para o Cliente ou a Companhia de outras fontes, e a Companhia não se compromete a obter cotações ou mercados competitivos de outras contrapartes.
4.3. A Companhia e suas afiliadas podem, de tempos em tempos, ter posições substanciais, e podem fazer um mercado ou, de outra forma, comprar ou vender instrumentos similares ou economicamente relacionados às transações OTC FOREX / METALS / BINARY OPTION celebradas com o Cliente. A Companhia e suas afiliadas também podem realizar atividades de negociação proprietárias, incluindo operações de hedge relacionadas ao início ou término de uma transação de moeda estrangeira ou de opção binária com o Cliente, que podem afetar negativamente o preço de mercado ou outros fatores subjacentes à moeda estrangeira ou binário transação de opção concluída com o Cliente e, consequentemente, o valor dessa transação.
4.4. A Companhia, seus funcionários e afiliados, e várias outras partes podem executar ordens aos mesmos preços ou melhores antes do pedido do Cliente.
5. Transações fora de câmbio e liquidez limitada.
5.1. A Companhia não ocorre em uma troca regulada e pode ser difícil ou impossível liquidar uma posição existente ou opção binária aberta, avaliar o valor, determinar um preço justo ou avaliar a exposição ao risco. Como resultado, as transações envolvem riscos adicionais. As operações fora de câmbio podem ser menos regulamentadas ou sujeitas a um regime regulamentar separado.
5.2. Antes de realizar transações OTC, o Cliente deve se familiarizar com as regras aplicáveis e os riscos associados.
6. Comércio eletrônico e comunicação.
6.1. OTC FOREX / METALS / BINARY OPTION trading geralmente é completado através da plataforma de negociação da Internet da empresa. A negociação em um sistema de comércio eletrônico difere da negociação no mercado aberto. Se o Cliente efetuar transações no sistema eletrônico de negociação, ele estará exposto a riscos associados ao sistema, incluindo a falha de hardware e / ou software.
6.2. A Companhia não é responsável por perdas, danos ou despesas, causados pelo Cliente usando uma versão de plataforma, diferente da versão, disponível no site da Empresa.
6.3. O sistema automatizado de entrada de pedidos da empresa fornece transmissão imediata da instrução irrevogável do Cliente, uma vez que o Cliente insere o valor nocional e clica & ldquo; Buy / Sell & rdquo; ou confirma a ordem da opção binária. Não existe nenhum & ldquo; segundo look & rdquo; na transmissão e as ordens de mercado não podem ser canceladas. Como resultado de qualquer falha do sistema, o pedido do Cliente pode não ser executado de acordo com as instruções do Cliente ou não executado de forma alguma.
6.4. O Sistema Automatizado da FXCL Markets Ltd. serve para fazer pedidos de transações em OTC FOREX / METALS / BINARY OPTION e acessar outros serviços de conta e produtos fornecidos pela Companhia. O Cliente reconhece e entende que o uso de Sistemas Automatizados envolve riscos, incluindo, mas não limitado a, interrupção de serviço, falha no sistema ou comunicação, atrasos no serviço e erros no projeto ou funcionamento de tais Sistemas Automatizados (coletivamente, a & ldquo ; System Failure & rdquo;) que poderia causar danos substanciais, despesas ou responsabilidade para o Cliente. A Companhia não faz nenhuma representação ou garantia de qualquer tipo, expressa ou implícita, em relação à seleção, design, funcionalidade, operação, título ou não-violação de qualquer sistema automatizado, e não oferece garantia expressa ou implícita de comercialização ou adequação para um propósito específico, título e / ou não infração, e especificamente se isenta de qualquer garantia implícita em relação a isso. Sem limitar o que precede, a Companhia renuncia expressamente a qualquer declaração de que qualquer sistema automatizado funcionará ininterruptamente ou será livre de erros.
6.5. A Companhia não tem a responsabilidade de informar o Cliente de qualquer decisão de uso, não usar ou deixar de usar qualquer Sistema Automatizado, as características, funções, design ou finalidade de qualquer Sistema Automatizado, ou quaisquer riscos específicos inerentes a qualquer Sistema Automatizado.
6.6. Salvo disposição expressa em contrário, o Cliente coloca suas instruções eletronicamente ou por escrito usando uma identificação apropriada.
6.7. A Companhia pode considerar como uma identificação adequada a senha correta na plataforma de negociação da Companhia para assinatura eletrônica, do Cliente e escrita, e o código PIN do telefone para instruções orais. A Companhia não é obrigada a fazer um exame mais extenso da identificação oferecida pelo Cliente.
6.8. Quando o Cliente se comunica com a Empresa via e-mail ou coloca ordens eletronicamente, ele reconhece, aceita e entende que a transmissão de dados através da Internet, que é uma rede aberta não criptografada e desprotegida, é acessível pelo público, tem vários riscos, incluindo, mas não limitado ao risco de acesso não autorizado a dados ou contas por terceiros, ou risco de atrasos na transmissão, entrega ou execução das ordens do Cliente devido a avarias de instalações ou sistemas de comunicações ou outras causas além da Companhia controle razoável.
6.9. Todos os riscos envolvidos na comunicação e / ou comércio eletrônico nascerão exclusivamente pelo Cliente. A Companhia não assume qualquer responsabilidade ou responsabilidade por perdas ou danos de qualquer tipo resultantes ou em conexão com a transmissão de dados pela Internet.
6.10. A Companhia não é responsável por não perceber falsificações ou falta de legitimação.
7. Comissões, taxas e outros encargos.
7.1. O Cliente será obrigado a pagar à Companhia as taxas, comissões e encargos, estabelecidos pela Companhia.
7.2. Antes da negociação, o Cliente obterá uma explicação clara de todas as comissões, taxas e outros encargos pelos quais o Cliente será responsável. Essas taxas reduzem o lucro líquido do Cliente (se houver) e / ou aumentam a perda do Cliente.
7.3. Os serviços da Companhia são remunerados de acordo com sua tarifa, publicada periodicamente no site. A Companhia reserva-se o direito de alterar esta tarifa a qualquer momento sem aviso prévio.
7.4. O Cliente deve pagar comissões, taxas e outros encargos decorrentes de transações com ou através da Companhia, incluindo, sem limitação, taxas de corretagem e markdowns, taxas de declaração, taxas de contagem inativa, taxas de cancelamento de pedidos, taxas de transferência de conta, taxas de ajuste ou outros encargos e taxas bancárias.
7.5. O Cliente concorda em pagar uma taxa de transferência para a Companhia no caso de o Cliente solicitar à Companhia que transfira posições abertas ou opções binárias, dinheiro e / ou propriedade da Conta do Cliente para outra instituição.
7.6. O Cliente aceita que quaisquer valores vencidos devem ter juros de mora a uma taxa igual a quinze (15) pontos percentuais por ano, que serão debitados à Conta.
7.7. As Contas do Cliente serão sujeitas a uma taxa de inatividade mensal de US $ 25 se nenhuma atividade de negociação tiver ocorrido por um período de 60 dias ou mais. A atividade comercial é definida como abertura e / ou fechamento de uma posição ou manutenção de uma posição aberta durante esse período.
7.8. A Companhia reserva-se o direito, a seu exclusivo critério, sem compromisso, e sem aviso prévio, de forma permanente ou temporária, recusar o serviço sem permuta ao Cliente. No caso de tal cancelamento, o Cliente receberá taxas de swap apresentadas no site da Companhia.
7.9. Em caso de retirada, a Companhia reserva-se o direito de cobrar uma taxa de compensação reversa que é igual à taxa de depósito (fornecida a todas as contas). Essa taxa pode ser deduzida de quaisquer fundos disponíveis em uma ou poucas contas do Cliente se o volume total de negociação nos últimos 30 dias não exceder cinco (5) lotes padrão não cobertos de cobertura e qualificados.
7.10. A FXCL Markets fornece cobertura de taxa de pagamento como uma campanha promocional realizada de acordo com a empresa. Os montantes da cobertura de taxas para sistemas de pagamento e condições adicionais são definidos pelos Mercados da FXCL e podem ser modificados ou cancelados a qualquer momento. Os limites para cobertura de taxa são $ 500 para depósitos e $ 100 para retiradas por comerciante por mês.
7.11. A Companhia possui todos os direitos de alterar, alterar, excluir, adicionar e modificar spreads, taxas, comissões diárias, taxas de swap, alavancagem, requisitos de margem, nível de liquidação (nível de parada) para quaisquer ofertas / contas / posições / ordens, em qualquer Tempo.
8. Acesso e segurança.
8.1. Os Sistemas Automatizados podem ser utilizados para transmitir, receber e confirmar a execução de pedidos, sujeito às condições de mercado prevalecentes e às regras e regulamentos aplicáveis.
8.2. A Empresa concorda em conceder ao Cliente o acesso e o uso dos Sistemas Automatizados, desde que o Cliente adote os procedimentos necessários para impedir o acesso não autorizado e o uso dos Sistemas Automatizados.
8.3. O Cliente aceita a responsabilidade total por todas as transações executadas através do Sistema Automatizado, incluindo o risco de responsabilidade financeira para transações executadas por terceiros não autorizados.
8.4. O Cliente é responsável pelo monitoramento de sua (s) Conta (s). O Cliente deve notificar imediatamente a Companhia por escrito, se tiver conhecimento de qualquer um dos seguintes;
9. Comunicação.
9.1. O Cliente entende e concorda que a Companhia pode registrar todas as conversas na Internet (email, bate-papo), telefone ou conversas do Skype e reuniões entre o Cliente e os funcionários da Empresa. O Cliente concorda que a Companhia pode fornecer essas gravações como evidência em qualquer disputa entre a Companhia e o Cliente para terceiros, incluindo, mas não limitado a, tribunal de justiça e / ou qualquer autoridade governamental, a quem a Companhia, a seu exclusivo critério vê que é necessário divulgar.
9.2. O Cliente reconhece que a Empresa pode não registrar conversas por razões técnicas. A Companhia reserva-se o direito, a seu exclusivo critério, de destruir os registros de acordo com a prática normal da Companhia e o Cliente entende que não deve confiar na disponibilidade desses registros.
9.3. Quaisquer comunicações da Empresa serão consideradas válidas para o Cliente, se enviadas para o endereço mais recente indicado à Companhia para o efeito pelo Cliente, seja por correio postal, e-mail, caixa de correio do sistema ou outros sistemas de transmissão ou meios de transporte.
9.4. A Empresa não se responsabiliza pela falha de entrega resultante da sua correspondência para o último e-mail ou endereço de e-mail do Cliente.
9.5. Todas as alterações no Contrato de Negociação da Companhia, Termos de Negociação, Política de Privacidade e / ou outras políticas são consideradas entregues e notificadas ao Cliente sendo publicadas no site da Empresa.
9.6. Quaisquer riscos ou danos resultantes do uso de qualquer sistema de transmissão ou meio de transporte, em particular devido a perda, atraso, mal-entendidos, erros, distorções ou duplicações, serão suportados pelo Cliente.
9.7. O Cliente reconhece e aceita receber declarações de contas mensais, confirmações comerciais e declarações de encerramento de posições abertas requeridas em formato eletrônico através da Internet. A Companhia não cobra pelo serviço, salvo aviso prévio por escrito ao Cliente.
9.8. O Cliente reserva-se o direito de revogar este consentimento a qualquer momento.
9.9. Quaisquer avisos que o Cliente deverá fornecer por escrito devem ser enviados à Empresa por correio ou email para os endereços indicados no site da Empresa.
10. Aprovação dos Avisos e Demonstrações da Companhia.
10.1. Qualquer objeção a um relatório de confirmação do pedido ou declaração de conta deve ser feita imediatamente após o recebimento e, além disso, confirmada por escrito por e-mail ou correio, chegando à Companhia o mais tardar dois (2) dias a partir da data em que a confirmação do pedido ou A declaração da conta foi entregue ao Cliente.
10.2. As objeções escritas devem ser endereçadas ao endereço mais recente indicado no site da Companhia, e serão consideradas recebidas somente se forem entregues ou enviadas por correio registado, sendo solicitado um recibo de devolução.
10.3. O Cliente deverá notificar imediatamente se não receber as comunicações regulares da Companhia, tais como confirmações de pedidos ou declarações de conta ou outras comunicações ou correspondências da Companhia, que o Cliente teria que esperar dentro do prazo habitual, o mais recente dentro de dez (10) dias após a data, que tal comunicação ou declaração deveria ter sido recebida.
10.4. Na ausência de objeção ou disputa oportuna, a confirmação do pedido, a declaração da conta e o conteúdo de qualquer aviso e comunicação serão considerados como reconhecidos e aprovados pelo Cliente.
11. Segurança em favor da FXCL Markets Ltd.
11.1. A Companhia deve ter a garantia do Cliente e o direito de compensação contra todos os ativos, mantidos para qualquer finalidade pela Companhia para a Conta do Cliente. Essa garantia e o direito de compensação devem garantir todos os créditos da Companhia, de qualquer natureza, independentemente da data de vencimento e da moeda em que estão rotulados. A Companhia está autorizada a realizar os ativos prometidos em venda privada, sem restrições e sem ser obrigada a observar as formalidades legais exigidas pela lei federal de Vanuatu sobre recuperação de dívidas e falência se, na opinião da Companhia, a venda for necessário para cobrir os sinistros, garantido pela garantia de que tais reclamações são ou não devidas.
12. Política de privacidade.
12.1. O Cliente entende que ao se registrar na Empresa, o Cliente concorda automaticamente com os termos da Política de Privacidade da Empresa.
12.2. O Cliente autoriza a Companhia a coletar informações sobre o Cliente, incluindo, entre outras, as transações com a Companhia e os membros afiliados dos dados da Companhia, fornecidos no Contrato, saldos de conta, histórico de pagamentos e atividade da Conta ou outras informações sobre credibilidade de o cliente.
12.3. A Companhia mantém garantias e procedimentos de segurança adequados em relação às informações do Cliente, como senhas e códigos de acesso, para evitar acesso não autorizado às informações do Cliente, treinamento especial de funcionários para proteger a informação do Cliente, revisão do cumprimento da Companhia política de Privacidade.
12.4. O Cliente reconhece que a Companhia pode, de acordo com o regulamento contra o branqueamento de capitais, compartilhar as informações relativas a certas relações comerciais dentro da Companhia, se for essencial prevenir e detectar o branqueamento de capitais em nível de Grupo.
12.5. O Cliente aceita que as informações do Cliente serão divulgadas a tais terceiros, incluindo, entre outras, instituições financeiras ou prestadores de serviços financeiros e, na medida do necessário, para executar as ordens do Cliente. O Cliente reconhece que pode ser exigido por lei divulgar para receber instituições financeiras o nome do titular da conta, o número da conta e o endereço do titular da conta. A Companhia está autorizada a divulgar as informações que possam ser exigidas por lei, regra ou autoridade reguladora, sem aviso prévio ao Cliente.
13. Garantias do Cliente.
13.1. O Cliente garante e declara que as informações contidas neste Contrato, o Pedido de Conta e outros documentos fornecidos à Companhia em conexão com a Conta do Cliente são completos, verdadeiros e corretos.
13.3. O Cliente, por este meio, garante que, independentemente de qualquer determinação alternativa em contrário, ele é adequado para negociar OTC FOREX / METALS / BINARY OPTION.
13.4. Além disso, o Cliente representa e garante que ele não é um empregado ou pessoa associada de uma empresa membro de qualquer troca ou de uma empresa membro do Federal Reserve, NFA ou NASD, ou qualquer funcionário ou agente de qualquer membro de qualquer banco, confiança ou companhia de seguros não divulgada na FXCL Markets Ltd. No caso de o Cliente se tornar um empregado ou agente de qualquer um dos itens anteriores, o Cliente notificará prontamente a Companhia, por escrito, desse emprego.
14. Direito aplicável e Jurisdição.
14.1. Este Acordo será regido e interpretado de acordo com as leis de Vanuatu com exclusão do direito internacional privado de Vanuatu e de quaisquer tratados internacionais.
14.2. Se qualquer cláusula deste Contrato for ou se tornar ilegal, inválida ou inaplicável de qualquer maneira, isso não afetará as demais disposições deste Contrato.
14.3. Qualquer litígio ou processo administrativo decorrente, direta ou indiretamente, deve ser ouvido pelos tribunais em Vanuatu. A Companhia terá o direito, a seu critério, de fazer cumprir suas reivindicações no local da residência legal do Cliente ou em qualquer outro tribunal ou tribunal de Vanuatu ou estrangeiro com jurisdição.
15. Atribuição.
15.1. A Companhia tem o direito de atribuir este Contrato, incluindo todas as autorizações, aos seus sucessores e cessantes, seja por fusão, consolidação ou de outra forma.
16. Rescisão.
16.1. O Cliente ou a Empresa podem rescindir o Contrato com efeito imediato mediante notificação à outra parte em qualquer momento.
16.2. A cessação não afetará quaisquer direitos ou obrigações acumulados. Após a rescisão, a Companhia compromete-se a concluir todos os contratos abertos de acordo com este Contrato, termos e condições e políticas de negociação. Após a rescisão, a Companhia tem direito a deduzir todos os valores devidos pelo Cliente antes de transferir o saldo remanescente para o Cliente.
17. Conta Inativa.
17.1. O Cliente reconhece que, se ele não fizer uma troca durante um período de três (3) meses, e se durante esse período não forem ocupados cargos no OTC FOREX / METALS / OPÇÕES BINÁRIAS na Conta do Cliente, a Conta será automaticamente removida da Companhia sistema para o arquivo.
17.2. Em seguida, o Cliente será obrigado a restabelecer uma Conta antes de fazer qualquer outra negociação, e a Companhia poderá exigir documentação adicional do Cliente para reativar essa Conta.
18. Liquidação de contas e pagamento de saldo de déficit.
18.1. A Companhia reserva-se o direito de rescindir o relacionamento com o Cliente em qualquer momento e, em particular, a Companhia poderá, a seu critério, cancelar ordens de negociação, fechar posições abertas e liquidar a demanda de qualquer saldo aberto da Conta em uma data, especificada pelo Empresa.
18.2. Para liquidar as posições longas ou curtas do Cliente, a Companhia pode, a seu exclusivo critério, compensar ou iniciar novas posições longas ou curtas para estabelecer uma propagação, estrangulamento ou estrondo para melhorar a proteção ou evitar a redução de posições existentes no Cliente & rsquo Conta de s. A Companhia pode licitar e se tornar um comprador em qualquer venda desse tipo.
18.3. Em qualquer venda das posições do Cliente, a Companhia deve cobrar o produto da Conta do Cliente. O produto de qualquer venda ou ação será aplicado em primeiro lugar ao pagamento de todos os custos e despesas legais e outros incorridos com relação à venda ou ação e, em segundo lugar, ao pagamento das responsabilidades do Cliente com a Companhia. O saldo remanescente será pago ao Cliente.
18.4. De acordo com o tipo de conta, quando a especificação do nível de margem for atingida, a Companhia liquidará (fechará) todas as posições abertas, incluindo posições cobertas.
18.5. Em zero patrimônio, a Companhia liquidará (fechará) todas as posições abertas, incluindo posições cobertas.
18.6. As ordens pendentes no nível de liquidação não podem ser excluídas se houver margens suficientes na Conta para ativar essas ordens.
18.7. As ordens pendentes no nível de liquidação serão canceladas se não houver margens adequadas na Conta para ativar os pedidos.
18.8. A Companhia reserva-se o direito de executar sem notificação prévia, uma transferência de fundos entre duas contas do Cliente, incluindo contas do Gabinete de outro Comerciante, detectadas para pertencer ao mesmo Cliente, para amortizar o saldo negativo.
18.9. As contas podem ser liquidadas de acordo com as disposições deste Contrato.
19. Instalações de negociação.
19.1. As contas de negociação são básicas e não estão equipadas com as seguintes facilidades por padrão; estas instalações estão disponíveis mediante solicitação:
19.2. As instalações acima devem ser solicitadas diretamente do Departamento de Suporte da Empresa por e-mail e sujeito à aprovação da administração.
20. Regras de negociação.
20.1. Todas as instruções de negociação enviadas pelo Cliente através da plataforma de negociação da Companhia são consideradas como solicitação irrevogável e serão consideradas como um pedido mediante confirmação eletrônica pela mesa de negociação.
20.2. Todas as transações comerciais são realizadas on-line através das plataformas de negociação da empresa.
20.3. O comércio por telefone é apenas uma opção de emergência.
20.4. Qualquer falha do sistema na Empresa pode resultar em não executar a ordem de acordo com as instruções do Cliente ou não executar a ordem.
20.5. Se o Cliente executa qualquer forma de negociação abusiva, incluindo, mas não limitado a, estratégias destinadas a explorar erros de preços, negociações não qualificadas (a menos que seja especificado de outra forma em Termos de Negociação), estratégias Grid / Martingale ou outras estratégias e / ou Expert Assessores, proibidos pelos Termos de Negociação da Companhia, a Companhia tem direito a tomar uma ou mais das seguintes contramedidas:
21. Pending Orders.
21.1. All pending orders are guaranteed according to the fair market rate.
21.2. All pending orders must be placed according to the product specifications stated on the Company website.
21.3. Once pending orders are in process, the Company’s system will reject any cancellation or modification attempted during that time.
22. Non-Qualified Trades.
22.1. Within the Company’s meaning, non-qualified are the trades based on the following principles:
22.2. Non-qualified trades are allowed under one or all of the following conditions:
23. Order Execution.
23.1. All orders are guaranteed according to the fair market rate.
23.2. When the Client clicks for a trade, he makes a request according to the market price. If the requested price is a traded market price, the trading system will confirm it. Otherwise, if the price changes, the system will send an automated re-quote with the fair market rate. The Client will then have the choice to confirm or reject it.
23.3. The Company reserves the right to cancel and delete any transaction/pending order/binary option executed on an invalid price (directly executed or re-quoted) without prior notice.
23.4. Market spread may be offered on all or selected products for the duration of news releases and throughout hectic markets.
23.5. The Company may in its sole and absolute discretion, at any time, without a prior notice change its commissions, fees, spreads, margin requirements, payouts, and leverages, or close any account.
23.6. As the Company sees fit, and in order to settle the cumulative foreign currencies positions or binary options, a settlement will apply to all accounts periodically. A previous notice in this regard will be sent through the trading system mailbox. Accordingly, any foreign currency position or binary option held at the end of a specific business day will be closed and re-opened the next business day. No charges will apply for the settlement.
23.7. The Client shall understand and accept that all orders are executed automatically or by dealer in the order queue.
23.8. The Client’s order is placed in the queue in the situations including, but not limited to, the following:
23.9. The Company shall use the following rules while executing the orders:
24. Mistakes in the Execution of Orders and Quoting Errors.
24.1. If the Client suffers any loss through the non-application or incorrect application of an order or transfer, the Company will not be liable.
24.2. In case of a quoting error, whether written or oral, the Company accepts no liability and reserves the right to make the necessary corrections or adjustments based on the fair market value determined by the Company, in its sole discretion, of the relevant product at the time such error occurred.
25. Reporting Trading Errors.
25.1. When the Client reports a trading error, he must send an email to the Company Support Department immediately.
25.2. The Company will need the following information to be able to assist Client in this regard:
25.3. Any trading error on behalf of the Client must be reported within 24 hours.
25.4. Any trading error coming from the Company will be amended.
26. Access to Trading Platforms and Automated Systems.
26.1. The Company maintains a trading platform, an Automated System, and service bureaus. The Automated System serves execution of the Client’s instructions and Account administration, including but not limited to automated order entry, order routing and/or execution systems, record keeping, reporting and Account reconciliation systems, risk management.
26.2. In order to access the Company trading platform and Automated System, the Client receives a password.
26.3. The Client acknowledges, represents and warrants that he will guard the password and accept full responsibility for the use of the password as well as any transactions occurring in an account that was opened, held or accessed by use of the password.
26.4. The Client must not divulge Client’s password to anyone else, nor may use anyone else’s password. The Client agrees that the Company will treat any person accessing Client`s Account/Trader’s Cabinet using the Client’s password as the Client himself.
27. Client’s Obligations.
27.1. The Client assumes the obligation to inform the Company in writing of all relevant changes with respect to the Account, including but not limited to changes of his contact data, or identity of the beneficial owner.
27.2. Upon the Company’s request, the Client shall disclose the economic background of the business or other relevant information.
28. Disputable Situations.
28.1. The Client shall immediately inform the Company about any disputable situation during two (2) business days upon its occur.
28.2. All objections shall be sent to the Company via email stated on the Company’s website. Any further correspondence regarding this complaint shall be carried via email.
28.3. If the Client fails to inform the Company about a disputable situation during two (2) business days, the situation is considered acknowledged and accepted by the Client.
28.4. Both, the Company and the Client, may become the initiator of complaint.
28.5. In order to be considered, the Client’s complaint shall include the following information:
28.6. The Company reserves the right to refuse to consider the Client’s objections under the reasons, including, but not limited to, the following:
28.7. In case of any dispute the Company shall consider the Server Log-File as the main information source. The Client shall understand and accept that the data from the Company Server Log-File has the priority over the Client’s Log-File and any other arguments, as the Server Log-File is the only source, recording every stage of order execution process.
28.8. The Company shall not consider any Client’s arguments, which are not recorded in the Server Log-File.
28.9. The Company reserves the right to resolve the disputable situations using the following ways:
28.10. The Company reserves the right to resolve any disputable situation at its sole discretion, using one of the ways, mentioned above.
28.11. In case any disputable situation was not specified in this Agreement, the Company reserves the right to resolve the situation at its sole discretion, according to common market practice.
28.12. In case of interruption of the quotation flow due to a hardware and/or software failure, the Company shall resolve all disputes using live Server quotations and the execution rules, described in the p. 23.9 of this Agreement.
28.13. The Company shall not compensate the Client’s damage in the situations including, but not limited to, the following:
28.14. Most disputable situation shall be considered during five (5) business days. The Company resolves the right to extend these terms for any particular situation, at its sole discretion.
28.15. The Company shall resolve the disputable situation according to p. 9. and 11 of this Agreement during one (1) business day after the decision on the situation was made.
28.16. The Client understands and accepts that the Company reserves the right to refuse any complaints from the Client regarding his/her inability to manage and/or close the disputable position/order.
28.17. The Client understands and accepts that the Company may not notify the Client that the disputable position/order was restored. The Client shall be liable for any loss and/or damage, caused by restoring of such position/order.
29. Accounts Managed by Third Party Advisors and Introduced Accounts.
29.1. The Client shall disclose to the Company the identity of any person, such as Trading Agent, Money/Fund Manager (hereafter “Trading Agent”) or Introducing Broker, authorized to give OTC FOREX/METALS/BINARY OPTION trade related instructions to the Company on behalf of the Client and to access the Client’s Account and perform trading on the Client’s behalf, as well as disclose the terms of the relationship between the Client and such person, by signing FXCL Markets Ltd. Limited Power of Attorney (LPOA) form.
29.2. The Client may revoke the authorization of the Trading Agent in writing by registered mail with return receipt at any time. The Company accepts no liability for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, resulting from the Client's failure to duly notify the Company of such revocation.
29.3. Any risks, losses or damages resulting from the representation of the Client by the Introducing Broker/Trading Agent shall be borne solely by the Client, including but not limited to the Client’s choice of Trading Agent or any transactions of the Trading Agent. The Client acknowledges and understands that the Company does not recommend, warrant or represent any Trading Agent. The Company will hold the Client liable for any damage, loss, costs or expenses (including attorney fees) caused by the Client’s representative and/or Introduction Broker, arising to the Company, its members, affiliates, employees, agents, successors and assigns.
29.4. The Client accepts that if he is introduced to the Company by an Introducing Broker or Trading Agent, any relevant information of the Client to execute transactions will be disclosed to the respective broker by the Company.
30. Clients Referred by the Introducing Brokers.
30.1. The Client acknowledges and accepts that in case the Client is referred to the Company by an Introducing Broker (hereafter “IB”), the Company shall not be liable for any agreement made between the Client and this IB.
30.2. The Client understands that by registering under an IB the Client automatically agrees with the terms of IB Agreement.
30.3. The Client understands and accepts that he can be referred by one Introducing Broker. All Client's trading accounts should be referred to same IB.
30.4. The Client acknowledges that any IB acts as an independent intermediary for the Client and is not authorized to make any representations on behalf of the Company.
31. Deposits in Foreign Banks.
31.1. The Company is entitled to hold the Client’s funds in regulated offshore accounts denominated in a foreign currency with depositories located both inside and outside of Vanuatu if:
32. Price Information and Quotations.
32.1. The Company provides price quotations to the Client through the Company Internet platform upon Client’s request to buy or sell OTC FOREX/METALS/BINARY OPTION. Each price quotation is used for a specific transaction with a specified value date and a specified product involved.
32.2. Price quotations are understood net, excluding fees, commissions and other charges.
32.3. The Client acknowledges that any information provided to the Client by the Company or by any person within the Company is not to be understood as an offer to sell or as solicitation to enter into any OTC FOREX/METALS/BINARY OPTION transaction. FXCL Markets Ltd. does not accept any responsibility or liability for the correctness or completeness of information provided by the Company.
32.4. The Client acknowledges that any market information provided by the Company may concern OTC FOREX/METALS/BINARY OPTION and other products, in which the Company and/or any of its officers, directors, affiliates, associates, members or representatives have their own position or a trading interest. The Company is not obliged to disclose to the Client its own commercial interests.
32.5. The Client acknowledges that the Company makes no representations concerning tax implications or treatment of transactions.
33. Trading Limitations.
33.1. The Company, at its discretion and without reason, may refuse to accept and execute any of the Client’s instructions relating to OTC FOREX/METALS/BINARY OPTION trades.
33.2. The Company reserves the right to limit the number or types of positions or binary options (e. g. Take Profit, Stop Loss, Buy and Sell Limit orders shall be good till Friday) in the Client’s Account and to close out any positions or binary options exceeding such limit. The Client accepts and undertakes not to exceed such limits.
33.3. Any orders still pending by the time the market closes on Fridays will automatically be cancelled then.
34. Foreign Currency Transactions and Currency Fluctuation Risk.
34.1. If the Client requests a transaction to be realized in any market where transactions are usually settled in a foreign currency, the Client is fully liable and bears all risks of currency fluctuation of respective currency and the United States dollar. All initial and subsequent margin deposits required by the Company policies, or requested by the Company, shall be made in United States dollars or in the currency specified by FXCL Markets Ltd. The Company is authorized to convert any funds in foreign currency in the Client’s Account into and from such foreign currency at the exchange rate that the Company receives from the banks and financial institutions that the Company uses as its business partner.
35. Exclusion of Company’s Liability.
35.1. Any risks, losses or liabilities resulting from OTC FOREX/METALS/BINARY OPTION transactions on the Client’s Account, including but not limited to fluctuations in the market prices, shall be solely borne by the Client.
35.2. Apart from OTC FOREX/METALS/BINARY OPTION transactions, the Company accepts no liability arising from the business relationship with the Client, including but not limited to the operation, use or maintenance of the Automated System, the selection, instruction or supervision of employees, agents or sub-agents, quoting errors.
35.3. The Company reserves the right to amend the content on the Company's website at any time, without prior notice. The Company has taken all reasonable measures to provide its customers with accurate information only, however, the degree of such accuracy is not guaranteed. The Client understands and accepts, that the Company bears no responsibility for the losses or damages of any kind, arising from the information, received from the Company's website, directly or indirectly.
36. Outsourcing Business.
36.1. The Company reserves the right to delegate the provision of certain services in its core business.
37. Language.
37.1. This Agreement, as well as company terms, conditions, and policies, may be translated into other languages but, in the event of any inconsistency or ambiguity as to the meaning of any word or phrase in any such translation, the English text shall prevail.
38. Business Days.
38.1. All days of the week are considered to be business days except the financial market holidays, Saturdays and Sundays.
39. Amendments to This Customer Agreement Conditions.
39.1. The Company reserves the right to amend this Trading Agreement, Trading Terms, Privacy Policy, and other terms, rules and policies at any time without prior notice.
39.2. Amended Conditions are published on the website.
40. Validity of the Agreement.
40.1. The latest published version of this Agreement on the Company website shall prevail.
Disclaimer: FXCL Markets Ltd. is compensated by the spread. Leverage may increase gains or losses. Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. You should make sure you understand the risks involved, seeking for independent advice if necessary.
ATTENTION: FXCL Markets Ltd. does not solicit residents of Japan, USA and Canada to open trading accounts. Citizens of mentioned countries (regardless of residence) are not accepted. Residents and citizens of the UN sanctioned countries are also not accepted.
&cópia de; 2018-2018 FXCL Markets Ltd. All rights reserved.
Forex client agreement
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The present agreement designates terms under which the “Company” will provide services to the “Client” in connection with the purchase and sale of currencies of every nature and kind foreign exchange contracts and any similar instruments (collectively referred to as “Forex Contracts”), which may be purchased or sold by or through the “Company” for Client’s accounts(s),
1. Terms and Definitions.
Terms as defined as below will be used in this agreement and it only takes the meaning of the definition in this section.
Account History – A list of complete past transactions and non-trading operations of live accounts Ask – The price at which a currency pair is offered for sale; the quoted price at which an investor can buy a currency pair. This is also known as the ‘offer’, ‘ask price’, and ‘ask rate’ Balance – Total financial amount of the completely finished transactions and non-trading operations in the trading account. Base Currency – In terms of foreign exchange trading, currencies are quoted in terms of a currency pair. The first currency in the pair is the base currency. The base currency is the currency against which exchange rates are generally quoted in a given country. Examples: EUR/USD, the EURO is the base currency. Bid – The price at which an investor can place an order to buy a currency pair; the quoted price at which an investor can sell a currency pair. This is also known as the ‘bid price’ and ‘bid rate’ Bonus Amount of money, which a client receives within the bounds of bonus programs, promotion and contests that are held by the Company. Client Legal or physical party that has negotiated the Agreement with a Dealer in order to fulfill trading operations in terms of margin trading and therefore, settled client terminal rental contract with the ‘Company’. Client’s Log File A file created by the client terminal, which record all requests and orders sent from Client to a Dealer, with one-second accuracy. Closed Position Exposures in Foreign Currencies that no longer exist. The process to close a position is to sell or buy a certain amount of currency to offset an equal amount of the opened position. This will ‘square’ the position. Complete closed transaction Consists of two opposite trading operations in equal quantity (opening and closing positions): buying followed by selling or selling followed by buying. Contract Specifications Main trading terms (such as spread, lot size, minimal trading operation quantity, change in trading operation volume move, initial margin, lock etc.) for each instrument. Currency Pair The two currencies that make up a foreign exchange rate. For example, GBP/USD. Dealer An individual or firm that acts as a principal or counterpart in a transaction. Principals take one side of a position, hoping to earn a spread (profit) by closing out the position in a subsequent trade with another party. In contrast, a broker is an individual or firm that acts as an intermediary, putting together buyers and sellers for a fee or commission. Company, that signed an agreement with Client sets a legal basis over the margin trading conditions commission The Company co-worker deals with query processing and Client orders, fulfilling orders, stop out and margin calls Disputed Situation A situation where the Client assumes that the Dealer has violated one or more conditions of the present Regulation as a result of his activity or inactivity; A situation where the Dealer assumes that the Client has violated one or more conditions of the present Regulation as a result of his activity or inactivity Equity The present account balance is calculated according to the formula: Balance + Floating Profit – Floating Loss. Fast Market Market’s condition that is characterized by sudden currency rate changes during a short period of time and often followed by price gaps. Usually occurs right before, and/or after one or few events: Publication of economic indicators of The G8 (the eight leading industrial countries, that is the US, Germany, Japan, France, UK, Canada, Italy, Russia), has a high degree of influence on the financial markets; Central banks and their committees’ decisions on interest rates; Press conference and the appearance of central bank leaders, financial ministers and G8 members and countries’ presidents; State organizations’ currency interventions; Terrorist acts of a national scale; Natural disasters, which cause an emergency situation within stricken territories; The beginning of war or of military actions; Major political force events such as resignation or inauguration (including election results); Other conditions that influence the dynamic rate tool. Floating Profit/Loss Unrecorded profits/losses of open positions for present rate terms Force Major Circumstances Occurrences which could not be foreseen or prevented such as: Natural disasters; Wars; Acts of terror; Government actions, actions of executive and legislative government authority; Hacker attacks and other unlawful acts toward servers. Free Margin Trading account money resources that can be used for opening new positions. Calculated according to the formula: Equity – Margin. Hedged Margin A guarantee requested by the dealer for opening and maintaining locked positions. The toll specification is shown for each instrument. Initial Margin The deposit a customer needs to make before being allocated a trading limit. Leverage The ratio of the amount used in a transaction to the required security deposit: 1:100, 1:200. Leverage 1:200 means that in order to open a transaction, it is necessary to have 200 times less of a transaction amount than the Dealers’ trading account. Long Position In foreign exchange, when a currency pair is bought, the position is said to be long. Lot A unit to measure the amount of the deal; the value of the deal always corresponds to an integer number of lots. Lot Size Number of assets, products, base currency defined in contract’s specification per one lot. Margin The amount of money needed to maintain a position Margin Level Expressed in percentage of equity in relation to the “Necessary margin”. Calculated according to the formula: (Equity/Margin)*100%. Margin Call A call for additional funds in a margin accounts because the value of equity in the account might has fallen below a required minimum. Margin Trading Trading operations processed using leverage; when the Client has the opportunity to close a transaction that exceeds his finances. Market Opening Trade reopening after a weekend, holidays or after a rest interval during trading sessions. Market Opening Price Gap Due to either of the following situations: A market opening Bid quote that is bigger than a market closing Ask quote; A market opening Ask quote that is smaller than a market closing Bid quote. Necessary Margin A Dealer’s finance request in order to maintain open positions; each instrument is shown in terms of contracts. Order Client’s instruction to Dealer to open/close positions, distribute, remove or change level order. Order Level Price given in order Open Position the first part of a complete transaction result. When opening a position, Client takes on the following obligations: To close opposite transactions of equal quantity; To maintain equity not less than 30% of the necessary margin. Pending Order Client requests Dealer to open position once price reaches the order level Pip The smallest increment of change in a foreign currency price, either up or down. Price Gap Due to either of the following situations: The present quoting Bid is bigger than the prior quoting Ask; The present quoting Ask is less than the prior quoting Bid. Quotation Currency The second currency in the currency pair that is used by Client when selling or buying base currency. Quotation Base Quotation stream information. Quote Tread A block of numerical data that describes the meaning of the price at a specific time period Quoting Process of granting a quote to the Client in order to close a transaction. Rate The price of one currency in term of another, typically used for dealing Rate purposes: Currency Pair: base currency unit cost expressed in terms of quoting currency; Contract for difference: base asset unit cost expressed in money. Net deposit The difference between deposit and withdrawal amounts of the Client for a certain period. Request Client’s instruction that has been given to a Dealer in order to obtain a quotation. A request is not necessary for the Client to make a deal. Server’s Log File A file, created by server, which records all requests and orders received from Client to a Dealer, as well as the processing result, with one-second accuracy. Server Software product MetaTrader Server 4.xx that processes Client’s orders and requests, submits information about financial market trades in real-time terms (quantity defined by the Company), takes into account mutual obligations between Client and Dealer, and observes the conditions and restrictions. Short Position An investment position that benefits from a decline in market price. When the base currency in the pair is sold, the position is said to be short. Spike Quoting that meets the following conditions: Essential price gaps are present; A price reimbursement up to the initial level, creating a price gap in a short period of time; Rushing price dynamics prior to the quoting do not exist; The moment macroeconomic events and/or corporate news noticeably influences an instrument’s rate;
FxCitizen has the right to remove any information that concerns non-market quoting from the quoting benchmark server.
The Trailing Stop only works when the Client terminal is launched, connected to the Internet and successfully authorized by the server.
The Present Agreement between the Client and the Company sets the terms of use for all services, which are offered by the Company and other authorized third-party service providers, including the kind of services necessary to process transactions in the Client’s trading account.
2. Company's Services.
Definition of the Company’s services Company’s services: : any interactive programs or services offered by the Company, which allow the Client to: connect with the Company or with an authorized third-party service provider; receive information and quotes from the Company or from an authorized third-party service provider; close transactions on financial markets through the Company using the trading terminal MetaTrader 4.0 (software program) which includes electronic data transfer that the Client submits to the Company using a personal computer connected by modem or any other device to access the file transfer network assigned by the Company. By signing the present Agreement, the Client confirms that he/she understood the rules of communication and therefore, agrees to use the client terminal or phone to give instructions. Services of the Company include the package of informational programs: “MetaTrader 4.0”, technical analysis resources and any information provided by third-parties, offered along with Company’s services. The Client confirms that the Company has the rights to change, add, rename or leave with no changes the Company’s Services which are offered in terms of the present Agreement without prior notice. The Client also confirms that this Agreement applies to Services, which can be changed, added or renamed in the future in addition to the Services which are provided the Client at the present time. In relation to Client’s trading operations, the Company executes the Client’s orders, without providing asset management or giving any recommendations. The Company is to execute Client’s request or order, regardless of the trading operation, even if it is inappropriate for the Client. Except for cases which are described in the present Agreement: the Company is not obliged to: track and notify the Client about his trading operation status; close any open position of the Client; Company’s Services do not include reference giving, submitting information to motivate a Client to close transactions. In some cases, the Company holds the right to give information, references and advice to the Client, having no responsibility over the impact and profit that these references and advice may cause. The Company has the right to cancel or close any Client’s position in terms of certain conditions that are regulated by the present Agreement or Rules. All trading operation to which the Client is committed as a result of erroneous information or a mistake are to be upheld by both the Client and the Company.
3. General Principles.
When executing trading operations, the “Straight-Through-Processing Execution” quoting mechanism is to be used. Client requests and orders are processed according to the following procedure: The Client makes a request or order that is being checked in terms of correctness in the Client terminal; Trading terminal forwards request or order to the server of liquidity provider Liquidity Provider receives client’s request and checks it for correctness. The trading terminal should output the message “request accepted by server”; Once the Client request or order has been processed, the server sends the result back to the trading terminal at the best price of the moment; In case the connection between the Client terminal and server is fixed, the Client terminal will receive the dealer result. The Client has a right to cancel the earlier sent request, which goes into a queue. The Company cannot guarantee the success of the execution of this request. The amount of time needed to process a request and order depends on the connection quality between the Client terminal, the Company server and the respond from the liquidity provider, as well as on the market conditions. With normal market terms, it usually takes 1-5 seconds to process the request and order. If market conditions differ from normal, the time might be extended to between 10-20 seconds. The Company’s Server has the right to decline the Client request in the following situations: “No price” message is received when the market is opening, it happens when the Client makes a request before the first quote enters the trading platform; the Client does not have enough funds to open a new position; market conditions differ from normal. “Off Quote” message is received when the market price is not moving for 120 seconds, most probably due to loss of connection with liquidity providers’ server.
Currency selling occurs at the Bid price. Currency buying occurs at the Ask price.
Limitation on the size of the minimal deal is established in the volume of 0.1 lots (0.10USD for a pip) for Standard Account with equity more than $2,000 US Dollars. For accounts with balance less than $2,000 US Dollars or its equivalent in other currency, an introduction of the limitation on the size of the minimal deal in the volume of 0.01 lots (0.01USD for a pip) is possible at the company’s discretion. For further specification, refer to official website of the Company in the section “Account Type”
In the absence of force major circumstances, the Company maintains a fixed spread, which is shown on the Company’s Website. When an overnight position passes over takes place, the swap process for an open position starts at 23:59:30. From Wednesday – Thursday overnight, you get a triple swap. Swap will be taken into effect for all swap account, but not swap-free account. Swap free account is only eligible for Muslim clients. The Company has the rights to charge swap on Non-Muslim’s positions that is held for more than 10 days.
The Company has the rights to change margin requirements, spreads, the order executing state and other trading terms in correlation with national and international holidays. In this case, all changes will have an effect on both already opened and opening positions.
Position opening occurs when a request or an order is being sent from the Client terminal to the Company server. The following request or order information is mandatory: Instrument name; Transfer quantity; Sell or Buy. The instruments available for “Instant Execution” trading transactions are listed at the official website of the Company in the section “Trading instruments”
To open buying/selling transactions, the Client must send a request using the Client terminal. To open a buying transaction, the Client must click the “Buy” button in the Client terminal window, at which time the order will be sent to the server. To open a selling transaction, the Client must click the “Sell” button in the Client terminal window, at which time the order will be sent to the server.
If the size of the free margin is enough to open a position, the position will open. A free margin level is calculated automatically. If the size of the free margin is not enough to open position, the position will not be opened and a “Not enough money” message will appear in the order window. If quoting changes the moment the Client request or order is being processed by the server, the server will offer a new Bid/Ask price. In this case, a new “Requote” window with new prices will appear as well. And if the Client accepts the newly offered prices, he should click the “OK” button in the window within 3 seconds. The Client order to open a position is considered to be executed and the position opened when the relevant server log file has been updated. Each new position will receive a sequential ticker number.
When closing a position using the Client’s terminal, the Client must indicate the following information: the closing ticker position the transfer quantity In order to send orders to close positions, the Client should click the “Close position” button on the trading terminal order.
If the order server quote is changed the instant the Client requested to process an order, the server will offer a new Bid/Ask price. In this case, the new “Requote” window with the new prices will also appear. To accept the newly offered prices, the Client should click the “OK” button in the query window within 3 seconds. The Client order to close positions is considered to be executed and the position closed, once recorded in the relevant server log file.
Order types “Buy Stop” – supposes buy position opening at a higher price than the current price at the moment of the order placing. “Sell Stop” – supposes sell position opening at a lower price than a current price at the moment of the order placing. “Buy Limit” – supposes buy position opening at a lower price than a current price at the moment of the order placing. “Sell Limit” – supposes sell position opening at a higher price than a current price at the moment of the order placing. The following orders can be used for position closing: “Stop Loss” – Presumes closing the earlier opened position at a price, which is less profitable for Client, compared to the current price at the moment of order placement. “Take Profit” – Presumes closing an earlier-opened position at a price, which is more profitable for Client, compared to the current price at the moment of order placement (set default 200 pips from the opened price, Client is allowed to change it). The Client has a right to change and remove any pending order if it has not been activated.
An order will be placed in the queue to be carried out in the following cases: A Sell-Stop order is placed in the queue to be carried out the very moment the Bid price in the quoting flow becomes lower or equal to the order level A Buy-Stop order is placed into the queue to be carried out the very moment the Ask price in the quoting flow exceeds or reaches the order level. A Sell-Limit order is placed into a queue to be carried out the very moment the Bid price in the quoting flow exceeds or equals the order level A Buy-Limit order is placed into a queue to be carried out at the very moment the Ask price in the quoting flow is lower or equal to order’s level A Take-Profit order works when buying an open position, when the Bid price in the quoting flow exceeds or equal the order level A Stop-Loss order works when buying an open position, and the Bid price in the quoting flow drops below or equals the order level A Take-Profit order works when selling an open position, and the Ask price in the quoting flow drops below or equals the order level A Stop Loss order works when selling an open position, and the Ask price in the quoting flow exceeds or equals the order level When a price gap occurs, the orders are executed according to the following rules: Pending order, where the open level and the Take-Profit reach a price gap, the order should be cancelled with [canceled/gap] appearing as a comment; Take-Profit order that reaches a price gap, the order should be carried out at the pre-set price Stop-Loss order, when the level hits a price gap, the order should be carried out at the first price following the gap, with [sl/gap] appearing as a comment. Buy-Stop and Sell-Stop pending orders should be performed at the first price following a price gap, with [started/gap] appearing as a comment. Buy-Limit and Sell-Limit pending orders should be performed according to an order’s set price, with [started/gap] appearing as a comment. In some cases, when price gaps are small, orders may be performed in usual terms, according to the order’s set prices. When pending order is received for execution and the size of free margin is not enough for order opening, pending order is deleted automatically with the comment “cancelled by dealer”.
Orders can only be placed, removed or changed by the Client, when trading for current instruments has been granted. When a Client sends an order to place a pending order, the following information should be provided: name of the instrument; position size (volume); order type (Buy-Stop, Sell-Stop, Buy-Limit, Sell-Limit); price level which the order should be set at. When a pending order attempts execution, the server automatically checks the trading account condition to see if a free margin is available. The new position goes to the open position list; the total client position is recalculated and the free margin as well. In terms of normal market conditions, a server executes an order according to the price set. Minor price slip may occur due to price changes during execution, new best price may be given. An order is considered to be executed once it has been recorded in the server log file. Orders that are closed not more than 2 minutes can be cancelled by the Company. The Company reserves the rights to cancel all the orders that is suspected of using prohibited strategies such as latency arbitrage, bonus system abuse, make hedging in other brokers, hacking into the Company server, to make dishonest profit via bugs and weakness of the system.
When a Client’s account Margin Level is less than 100%, Margin Call occurs. The Company has the right to close the Client’s position, although it doesn’t need to do that. The Dealer decides whether to close the position or not. If a present trading account condition (Margin Level) is less than 30%, Stop Out occurs. The Company has the right to force a Client’s closing position without prior notice. The server controls the present account conditions. In the case that the conditions which are described in paragraph 3.14.2 of the present Agreement are violated, the server will generate a forced order position (stop out). A stop out is executed according to the market price. A forced closing position is recorded in the server log file as a “stop out”. In case the conditions stated in paragraph 3.14.2 of the present Agreement are violated, and the Client has several open positions, the one with the most floating losses will be the first one to be closed. In normal market conditions, the Company guarantees that after the closing of the last position on the account, the balance and assets of 0% – 10% margin will remain, which is necessary for maintaining that last forced position closing. The Company reserves a right to recover the negative account balance of a client with the funds on the second client’s account, if the balance has turned negative in the result of a strong price movement (as a rule, in cases described in the paragraph 5.9.) There can be a delay in automatic execution of closing the order during the induced position closing. This delay can be the reason of closing the position at more favorable price than the price at the moment of induced order closing. The account status at the moment of the deal closing by “Stop Out” is reflected in the comment to the order, where percentage of free margin, account balance and margin level are indicated. Closing of the order at the price, which is more profitable for a Client than the “Stop Out” level, cannot be considered as the reason for a claim on the part of Client. Closing of the position at the price, which is less favorable for a Client than “Stop Out” level, is considered as the reason of claim on the part of a Client. The Company reserves the rights to close the Client’s hedge position with the largest losses if the margin level is less than 100%.
If any issue on transaction arises, the client shall email to finance@fxcitizen within working days from the date of the issue.
4. Fund Deposit / Withdrawal.
The Client can withdraw money from his/her account to payment systems to which withdrawal in traders cabinet is possible. Using electronic payment systems, withdrawal is possible to be processed only to the same payment system with the same account details (currency, account number) which deposit was made. In case a trading account is replenished from numerous payment systems, using several wallets and in different currencies, withdrawal must be requested on the proportional basis. If for whatever reason a client changed his/her details within the payment system, he/she is obliged to notify the Company by sending email with attachment of scanned copy of ID to the Finance department of the Company. Otherwise, the Company reserves the right to decline client’s request made using another details. Withdrawal is processed at the stated time which is particular for every payment system; however, in some cases the time constraints may be increased up to 5 working days except for the cases designated in the clause 9.1.4. of the present Agreement.
The client agrees that in case of any error in the software, delays in depositing funds to the trading account are possible. The company is obliged to enter a sum to the Client’s trading account in case of detection of any error in software, that lead to the delay in automatic funds depositing, if the Client informs about the delay.
5. Order of Business, Claims and Contentious Case Adjustment.
When contentious cases occur, the Client is entitled to file a claim with the Company. Claims are accepted within two working days from the date the problem occurs. The claim should be in the form of an electronic mail (e-mail) and sent to the Finance Department: finance@fxcitizenClaims submitted in other ways will not be taken into account. The Client claim will take no longer than 10 working days to be settled by the Company: If the Client’s claim is considered fair, the Company will accept it and deposit funds in the Client’s trading account within one working day. FxCitizen follows generally accepted market practices and internal policy for those claims that are not mentioned in the present Agreement. The Client’s claim form should have: Full name; Account number; Date and time contentious case occurred; Contentious case ticker or order; Description of claim, leaving out emotions. The company reserves the right to dismiss a claim in the following cases: the claim does not comply with the terms of points 5.1, 5.2, and 5.4. ; the claim is marked with obscene words or/and insults to the Company or its officials; the claim contains the threats to the Company or its officials; the customer threatens to stain the reputation of the Company using social networks and other community resources. The Company keeps the right of reconsidering the results of deals of the Client in case of detection errors in server, which leads to the quotation delay or to giving out non-market quotations. The Company guarantees that any deal of the Client carried out by non-market quotation (spike) will be restored just after detection of the fact of erroneous performance which is above 6 pips difference referred to the market average price. In case there is a complete lock positions, including the system with the triple lock and others, despite the presence of the complete lock of all position at the account, the total swap on the lock positions is not equal to zero. The Company and a Client are obliged to correct the swap, because with the absence of the non-lock share of the position, the total swap can be neither positive nor negative. The Agreement forbids the use of strategies oriented on the profit extraction by means of intentionally creating the situations whereby one of the client’s or a group of clients account turns to negative balance, including the situation when the accounts are opened in the name of different persons, invariably being the part of one trading strategy. In case of revealing the implementation of such trading strategies, the Company reserves the right to cancel any profits made or transfer any balance to cover the negative balance. If at the moment of market closing, the total volume of positions opened at client’s account implies the change of total profit by more than 2% of deposit, in case the price changes by 1 pip (more than 20 lots for every 1000 USD of deposit), the Company reserves the right to correct the financial result of such deals in case the market opens with gap by the amount proportional to the size of gap in pips. In the case of extreme market volatility due to major news event, maximum Take Profit allowed for each trades is limited to 200pips and limited to total lump sum profit of 5,000USD only. Any hedging strategy (internally, using different accounts or externally) that abuses the negative balance from bonuses or price gap is totally not allowed. The Dealing Department of the Company executes its affirmative decision on a claim regarding reopening a position according to the following scheme: in case there are considerable time or price gaps from the moment of erroneous closing a position to that of opening a position, the deal can be open again at an average price which is set either for the period between the mistaken closing of a position and making a decision on its reopening or within an hour from the moment of erroneous closing a position. Reopening a position is placing a new order of the same volume as the one closed mistakenly. This rule is fully applicable to the compensation of mistakenly closed positions.
6. Confirmation of Client Identity.
The Company has the right to ask the Client to confirm the full name of his/her true identity, as stated in the trading account registration form. The Client can receive a request, at any moment, to submit a copy of an electronic passport or a notarized copy (at the Company’s discretion). If after account is opened, there is any registration information of Client (Full Name, Address, and Telephone) that has been changed, the Client is obliged to inform the Company with a request to change the information by email to account@fxcitizen In case the Client hasn’t received the request of scanned copies of documents, the verification procedure of trading account is not obligatory, but the Client can send the copy of his passport or other document which identifies his personality to the Clients’ service of the Company.
A Client agrees that information entered for registration of the trading account may be used by the Company within the bounds of the fight against money-laundering.
The goal of notifying the Client of risk information concerning financial market trading is to keep the Client informed of the potential losses which are tied to these types of risk. It’s impossible to provide all information concerning all potential risks, due to the sheer number of possible situations. Interpreting the terms in the present notification coincides with those terms described in the Terms and Conditions paragraph.
When working with trade operations in “Margin trading” terms, even the smallest instrument rate can seriously influence the Client’s trading account, due to the leverage effect. If a market moves in the opposite direction of the Client’s position, it is possible to meet the loss at the initial deposit rate or any additional resources deposited to maintain open positions. The Client is entirely responsible for the accounting risks, using financial resources, and for choosing a sufficient sales strategy. It is highly recommended to maintain the Margin Level at 500% and to always set Stop Loss orders to hedge possible losses.
A large variety of instruments have significant daily price change ranges, which means they have a high probability of earning profits and losses in trading operations.
The Client assumes financial loss risks because of informative, communicative, electrical and other types of failure. When performing trade operations with the help of the Client terminal, the Client assumes financial loss risks that may arise later, such as: Hardware, software bugs and poor connection quality on the Client’s side Client’s improper use of equipment; Incorrect installation of specific settings in the Client’s terminal; Usage of outdated software version; Client’s lack of knowledge, and lack of time to understand the instructions provided in the “Client’s terminal User Guide” and also in “FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions”.
The Client admits that when market conditions differ from normal conditions, the amount of time needed to process the orders may increase.
The Client assumes that a request/order queue is processed by the server one by one, whether it is a request or an order. Any attempt to send a new request or order will be declined. Along with this procedure, the order window should also display the message “Trade flow is busy”. The Client admits that the only reliable information source for quoting is the main server that deals with real Clients. The Client terminal quoting bases cannot be relied upon, because the Client terminal is unstable and the server connection and part of the quote may be lost when disconnection occurs; the quote may never reach the Client’s terminal and therefore cannot provide reliable quoting information. The Client assumes that the action of closing placement/modification/cancelation order windows or of closing opening/closing position windows do not cancel a request or an order that has already reached the Dealer for processing. The Client assumes the risk, when performing unplanned trading operations, especially in the case of resending an order before receiving the result of the previous order from the dealer. The Client admits that simultaneous modification of the pending order level and Stop-Loss and/or Take-Profit, which were added right after the order had been executed, will only be processed when a Stop-Loss and/or Take-Profit level order is modified for the opened position of the order.
The Client assumes the risk of all financial losses caused by a delay in the dealer’s and/or server’s message or in the case that it was not received. The Client admits that any information that has not been encrypted and sent via e-mail is not secure from unauthorized access. The Client agrees that the dealer has the right to delete messages that have not been received by a Client through the internal client e-mail terminal within three calendar days from the moment the message was sent. The Client is responsible for keeping confidential information, which he/she receives from dealer. The Client also assumes risk of any financial losses that may be caused by unauthorized access of third-parties to the client’s trading account.
Client accepts risks which are connected to disestablishment of payment systems. In case any electronic payment system abolished, the Company writes off the funds which were deposited using that payment system, from the Client’s trading account. Client accept risks which are connected to incorrect bank details’ entering while making wire transfer request and agrees that it can lead to the refund, charge of repeated commission, and other risks connected with refund and repeated wire transfer. Client accepts any risks connected with unauthorized usage of his/her personnel data for payment system access and also connected with usage of credit cards by the people who dispose sufficient data for it which was caused by the client’s carelessness.
8. Company-Client Communication.
In order for the Company to be able to reach the Client, the following options may be used: Trading platform internal mail; Electronic mail; Fax; Phone; Posting; “Company News” announcement section on the Company Website.
The Company will operate with the information the Client provided when the account was opened. For that matter, the Client is obliged to notify the Company when any contact information changes.
9. Responsibilities.
The Client secures the following: Is liable for the confidentiality of the login and passwords; Agrees to be fully accountable for all actions that result from login and using the password; Agrees to be fully accountable for all actions including financial market deals; Assumes that Company may record verbal and telephone negotiations with the Client, in order to confirm them. The Company guarantees that all information provided by the Client in terms of registration is confidential and secure. In the case of disclosure, all violation will be handled according to the present Agreement. The Client agrees that the Company or any third-party involved in providing Services to the Client, have no responsibility over any telephone or Internet error, work regulation, revising or any other occurrence and the circumstances that do not depend on the Company or the information resource provider or any other third-party involved in a providing a service to the Client. Client agrees that in case the Company has every reason to suppose that trading account of a client is used for money laundering or client conceals or provides false registration data; in case the Company has every reason to suppose that all trading operations were executed with breach of the agreement, the Company reserves the right to stop all the operations in the trading account of the client for inspection (registration data verification, identification of the client, history of deposited funds check, etc.) until circumstances are clarified.
10. Termination of Agreement.
The present Agreement enters into effect when the Client signs it. The present Agreement can be terminated if: One of the two parties informs the other party of its willingness to terminate the present Agreement: – In the case that all money resources have been withdrawn from Client’s account, which terminates the present Agreement – In the case the Client should violate the terms or conditions of the present Agreement, the Company has the right to terminate the Agreement unilaterally, informing the Client of the reason for termination and returning the Client’s money at the moment of termination. If the Company terminates activity regulated by the present Agreement – The Company gives the Client 1 month’s notice prior to termination – The Company refunds the Client’s remaining balance from the trading account, present at the moment of termination In the case of Client’s death: – – The right to withdraw money from the Client’s accounts is inherited by relatives, in compliance with the line or will. – Use of the Client’s trading account and financial market operation right cannot be inherited. The Client assumes that the Company keeps the right to pause or completely/partially limit the Client’s access to Company Services without prior notice should the Client’s trading account finances become insufficient. In this case, the present Agreement is considered to be terminated the moment Client’s services are terminated.
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FxCitizen is a forex trading name of Universe Citizen Limited which regulated by the Republic of Vanuatu Finance Service Commission with the License Number of 14784.
High Risk Investment Warning: Trading FOREX on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors due to the high degree of leverage will work against you as well as for you. Before deciding to trade FOREX, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists is either you will sustain a loss of some or all your initial investment and therefore you should not invest the money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of the risks that are associated with FOREX trading, and kindly seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts.
Copyright © 2018-2017 FxCitizen. Todos os direitos reservados.
Examples of Agreements.
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Contrato de cliente.
1. Between AssetsFx Trading Ltd., registered and licensed as securities dealer by Ministry of Finance and Economic Management, Republic of Vanuatu, registration number 40102 (AssetsFx). and the Client.
Definitions – Interpretation of Terms.
In this Agreement the following terms shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the following meanings and may be used in the singular or plural as appropriate:
“Agreement” shall mean this Trading Agreement with all due and any other specific agreements, futures amendments and additional terms entered into by and between AssetsFx and the Client; “Basic currency” shall be the currency agreed by the Client and AssetsFx before opening a particular account of the Client with AssetsFx; “Client” shall mean the account-holder referred to in the heading of this Agreement. “Communication” shall mean instructions, orders, documents, logs, FOREX trading activity and other information; “Counterparties” shall be banks and/or brokers and/or marketplaces and/or any client or partner of AssetsFx participating in the transactions executed for the account of the Client in opposite direction; “Equity” shall mean an estimation of the account of the Client in the basic currency at a particular time; "ECN" shall mean Electronic Currency Network; “FOREX” shall mean an over-the-counter market where foreign exchange transactions are conducted; “Liquidity” shall mean the existence of a counter party registered in the Marketplace Trading System, willing, at a particular moment, to enter into the transaction of the Client in opposite direction with the same price and with sufficient volume; "LP" means liquidity provider; “Margin Call” shall mean a fixation of the situation when margin requirements do not allow the Client to increase the total open exposure of his account; “Market Rules” shall mean the rules, regulations, customs and practice established from time to time of any foreign exchange organization, clearing house or market involved in the conclusion, execution or settlement of a foreign exchange transaction and any exercise by any such foreign exchange organization, clearing house or market of any power or authority conferred to it; “Order” shall mean an intention to buy or to sell a particular FX instrument for a particular price and in a particular amount formulated by the Client and confirmed and accepted by AssetsFx; “Position” shall mean a full or partial exposure of a particular currency pair; "Service" shall mean the AssetsFx trading services provided by using the Metatrader 4 platform or any other trading platform. "STP" shall mean Straight Through Processing connection; “Swap” shall mean a loss caused by an unfavorable difference in daily interest rates between the currencies being traded. Essentially, a trader earns interest on the currency that has been loaned out, and pays interest on the currency that has been borrowed. If the interest earned on the loaned currency is lower than the interest paid on the borrowed currency, the trader will have a rollover debit.
In the Agreement any reference to an individual person shall include corporate bodies, unincorporated associations, partnerships and individuals. Words denoting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, and words denoting a given gender shall include all other genders.
Heading and notes in the Agreement are for the reference only and shall not affect the construction and interpretation of the Agreement.
2. Risk Disclosure and Acknowledgement.
The Client acknowledges, recognizes and understands that trading and investing in foreign exchange transactions:
Is highly speculative; expose the financial situation of the Client to a very high degree of volatility which may cause very substantial movements in the level of the Client’s trading exposure;
May involve an extremely high degree of financial risk which may cause losses in excess of the amount of Equity prepaid by the Client; is appropriate only for persons who, if they trade using Live Trading Account, can assume risk of loss in excess of the prepaid Equity. The Client acknowledge, recognizes and understands that this Agreement do not describe all of the risks relating to the execution and holding foreign exchange transactions, and confirms that he has the capacity to assess and understand (either by himself or with the advice of his own financial, legal and/or tax advisors) the risks associated with such transactions.
The Client acknowledges, confirms, recognizes and accepts that:
He is willing and able, financially and otherwise, to assume the risk of trading in speculative investments.
AssetsFx’s activity shall be based on acting as the intermediary between the Client (acting as buyer or seller) and the Counterparty on remunerated basis by arranging an ECN/STP connection with MT4 to Counterparty's trading system. Any profit or loss arising as a result of fluctuation on market will be entirely for the Client’s account and risk;
Any of the Client’s investments decisions will be based solely on his own evaluation of his financial circumstances and investments objectives; the Client agrees not to hold AssetsFx liable for any trading losses or other losses incurred by the Client, as further set out in Clause 13;
Opening a trade constitues a spot forex contract with a third party (Liquidity Provider), not between AssetsFx and the Client.
The ongoing maintenance of trading exposure may expose the Client to increased risks of losses and may increase significantly the amount of the losses that may be suffered by the Client in connection with a particular foreign exchange transaction executed.
The Client agrees not to hold AssetsFx liable for losses incurred as a consequence of AssetsFx maintaining such trading exposure or otherwise holding the Client’s account, as further set out in Clause 13;
Market regulations and/or significant imbalance of supply or demand and/or lack liquidity may result in the temporary inability to carry out buy or sell orders and, consequent, to wind up positions that the Client wishes to liquidate, or that Client may have decided to liquidate due to insufficient amount of the prepaid Live Trading Account. The Client is fully aware of the significant losses he may suffer due to these factors;
The Client and AssetsFx are bound to comply with the regulations, practices and general conditions in force on relevant Marketplaces and with Counter parties with which AssetsFx may operate on the Client’s behalf;
Any and all information on assetsfx regarding trading issues including but not limited to manual or automated trading tools do not constitute a recommendation by AssetsFx with regard to an investment. Especially, the Client acknowledges, recognizes and accepts that any market information communicated by AssetsFx does not constitute an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation to execute any transaction, and that such information, although based upon information from sources believed by AssetsFx to be reliable, may be based solely on a broker’s opinion and that such information may be incomplete and may be unverified and unverifiable.
If trading account is held by more than one person, all of the joint holders are jointly and severally liable to AssetsFx for any and all obligations arising out of Forex transactions in the account and each agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions of the agreements between AssetsFx and the Client(s).
If an Introducing Broker, Money Manager or any third party advisor introduces the Client to AssetsFx, the Client understands that AssetsFx may pay fees, commissions or other compensation to such person or entity for the introduction. Client acknowledges and agrees that as an Introducing Broker, Money Manager or any third party advisor to AssetsFx, the Introducing Broker, Money Manager or any third party advisor does not hold or collect any margined funds on behalf of AssetsFx or for the Client's Account. AssetsFx does not control and cannot endorse or vouch for the accuracy of any information or advice Client may have or will receive from the Introducing Broker, Money Manager or any third party advisor and Client agrees that such Introducing Broker, Money Manager or any third party advisor does not in any form or manner represent or act for or on behalf of AssetsFx. The Introducing Broker, Money Manager or any third party advisor will not have trade authorization privileges unless granted in writing by the Client. The Client under all circumstances understands and agrees that the Introducing Broker, Money Manager and/or any third party advisor is the Client's agent and not the agent of AssetsFx.
AssetsFx is a wholly separate and independent entity from any Introducing Broker, Money Manager or any third party advisor with which it has a business relationship. The Agreement between AssetsFx and Introducing Broker, Money Manager or any third party advisor does not establish a joint venture or partnership and any such Introducing Broker, Money Manager or third party advisor is not an agent or employee of AssetsFx.
All rights of AssetsFx under these Terms of Use shall also be extended to any Introducing Broker, Money Manager or any third party advisor.
Client acknowledges that his/her personal data and trading history may be disclosed in a reasonable range to an Introducing Broker, Money Manager or any third party advisor. Sharing the information with these third parties is necessary for them to be able to run their everyday business and to fulfil their responsibilities based on laws and regulations. The information may include any of the information held in AssetsFx’s register, such as Client’s name, address, trading account information and trading history. Data may be disclosed to countries inside or outside the European Union or European Economic Area.
3. Client Warranties & Representations.
The Client warrants and represents that:
I am carrying out the transactions contemplated in the Agreement as well - thought-out investments and not as gambling;
I am able to understand, and understands, the risk inherent in foreign exchange transactions, and is willing and able, financially and otherwise, to assume such risks;
I understand the transactions and am familiar with the regulations of the markets dealing in FOREX instruments;
I have ascertained that by entering into Forex and/or spot metals trades I will not be in breach of any applicable local regulation or law., including, without limitation, all tax laws and regulations, exchange control requirements;
The information I am providing to AssetsFx is complete, accurate and not misleading any material respect;
I am over 18 years of age;
I confirm that I am not or none of my close relatives are classified as politically exposed persons;
I have reviewed, I understand and I accept the following documents and their appendices:
& ndash; Terms and Conditions of AssetsFx Trading service.
& ndash; General Risk Disclosure Statement;.
I have reviewed, I understand and I accept the Trading Terms and the terms of depositing and withdrawing funds listed on AssetsFx's website assetsfx.
& ndash; the submitted data is correct;
& ndash; the undersigned is fully aware of the consequences of submitting incorrect data;
& ndash; the assets that form the trading portfolio have been acquired legally;
& ndash; the undersigned declares that the assets origin does not relate to any money laundering and/or terrorism related activities.
The above warranties and representations shall be deemed to be repeated in the future, for the duration of the Agreement, each time the Client provides instructions to AssetsFx.
After the Client has been approved as a Service user ("User"), the Client is able to utilize the Services according to the valid Terms of Use. AssetsFx shall have the right, in its sole discretion, to reject to do business with any client. In addition, AssetsFx may, in its sole discretion, terminate any client's trading account without prior notice. AssetsFx has the right to exercise control over the activities of the client regarding the use of AssetsFx's services. Client’s trading account is solely for trading purposes.
AssetsFx holds the right to examine the credit information of the user during registration for the Services. AssetsFx has the right to prevent the user from using the Services if, during the clarification of the credit records, payment defaults are identified or other valid reasons become justified. Client confirms that he/she has read and understood the existing Terms of use, Privacy Policy and Risk Disclosure Statement. The Client is personally responsible to ensure that the agreement material is the latest updated.
Terms of Use, together with the full Customer Account Application, Risk Disclosure Statement, Privacy Policy and all applicable written Addenda thereto, embodies the entire agreement of the parties ("Agreements"), superseding any and all prior written and oral agreements. By registering as a user and using the Services, the user agrees to comply with the then valid Operative Agreements. AssetsFx may, from time to time, make changes to the Terms Of Use so the user should regularly acquaint themselves with these conditions.
If any term of the Agreements (or any part of any term) shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable for any reason then such term shall, to that extent, be deemed severable, but the enforceability of the remainder of Agreements shall not be affected.
4. Obligations of the Client.
The obligations of the Client within the scope of this Agreement shall be as follows:
To pay any banking or money transfer fees associated with a decision to request refund.
The liability of the Client shall not be limited by the amount of funds on the account of the Client or by the guarantees provided by the Client to AssetsFx.
5. Obligations of AssetsFx.
The obligations of AssetsFx within the scope of this Agreement shall be as follows:
To provide the Client with the agreed Live Trading Account upon receipt of the initial transfer of the funds;
To make all the possible endeavors to execute the trading orders and to follow the instructions of the Client in order to execute the transactions as contemplated in Clause 2.1, whereby the Client hereby acknowledge, recognizes and accepts that AssetsFx cannot and shall not guarantee the execution of the orders of the Client and shall not be liable for any failure in the execution process;
To provide the Client with the withdrawal of his funds after verifying that all positions in the Live Trading Account of the Client are closed;
To provide the Client with accounting of the transactions and the trading exposure maintained for his account.
The rights of the Client within the scope of this Agreement shall be as follows:
To request from AssetsFx the account history reports;
To request full or partial withdrawal of funds by sending the withdrawal request form to AssetsFx, provided that all trading positions of the Client are closed and AssetsFx has deducted all charges due under the Agreement. The Client expressly authorizes AssetsFx to close any open positions relative to his account upon the reception of such a withdrawal request. The Client shall be responsible for ensuring that AssetsFx has received the withdrawal request, by contacting AssetsFx (e. g., via live support or email).
The rights of AssetsFx within the scope of this Agreement shall be as follows:
To reject any order or instruction of the Client;
To cancel or adjust the transaction of the Client, if the Counterparty with which AssetsFx executed the transaction has canceled or adjusted it;
To provide for the account of the Client any and all trades requested by the Client or deemed necessary by AssetsFx.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, AssetsFx shall be entitled to restrict access to, or to impose limits, suspend, stop or cancel trading on the Metatrader 4 Platform either generally or in respect of particular currency pairs, transactions or customers, or to discontinue transmitting any or all information, or to refuse facilitating or proceeding any or all transactions, or to refuse allowing access to and use of the Metatrader 4 Platform, in the event that, at AssetsFx’s sole discretion, any of the following circumstances occur:
Full or partial failure of the Metatrader 4 Platform, including failure of the technology constituting the Metatrader 4 Platform or any of the communications linked to the Metatrader 4 Platform or between the Metatrader 4 Platform and the Client and/or any of the Counterparties, or any other circumstance as a result of which it is not practicable for AssetsFx to use the Metatrader 4 Platform;
A breach of security of the Metatrader 4 Platform;
A material breach by the Client of his obligations under this Agreement or any other agreement with AssetsFx (including, without limitation, the Account Opening Documentation);
Non-compliance by the Client with any applicable laws;
Market conditions generally or conditions with respect to a particular currency pair or a single currency rendering it necessary or desirable, at AssetsFx’s sole discretion, to do so;
Absence of liquidity on the market. Any actions taken by AssetsFx pursuant to this Section shall continue for such a time period as AssetsFx reasonably determines it to be necessary or desirable.
In order for AssetsFx to quote prices with the swiftness normally associated with speculative trading, AssetsFx may have to rely on available price or other information that may later prove to be faulty. In such case, AssetsFx may cancel or adjust the trade with the Client, but shall do so within reasonable time and shall provide the Client with a full explanation for the reason for such cancellation. Trading strategies aimed at exploiting errors in prices and/or concluding trades at off market prices (commonly known as “sniping”) are not accepted. If AssetsFx at its sole discretion and good faith, determines that the Client is taking advantage or attempting to take advantage of such misquotes or is performing other forms of abusive trading, AssetsFx is entitled to take one or more of the following countermeasures;
(i) Adjust the price spreads available to the Client;
(ii) Restrict the Clients access to streaming, instantly tradable quotes, including providing manual quotation only;
(iii) Retrieve from the Client’s account any historic trading profits that have been gained through such abuse of liquidity – as determined by AssetsFx in its sole discretion in good faith – at any time during the client relationship and/or.
(iv) Terminate the client relationship immediately by giving written notice.
AssetsFx shall have its sole discretion and control over, and the right to modify at any time the functionality of the Metatrader 4 Platform (including, without limitation, the price feed(s) thereon), configuration and content, including without limitation: (i) the parameters and protocols by which the trading orders are placed, routed, matched or otherwise processed by the Metatrader 4 Platform; and (ii) the availability of the Metatrader 4 Platform with respect to particular currency pairs or transactions at any particular time or location.
8. Remuneration, Operational Premiums, Expenses and Commissions.
The execution of trading orders of the Client by AssetsFx is based on the conditions provided by a number of Counterparties involved which may apply different trading conditions, e. g., prices, commissions, overnights, leverages etc. AssetsFx shall not be obliged to apply the conditions received by AssetsFx from the Counterparties to each particular transaction of the Client. Any and all such differences shall compose Operational Premiums or Operational Expenses of AssetsFx. Neither the Operational Premiums, nor the Operational Expenses shall be.
subject to any reimbursement duty by either party, and the Client expressly releases AssetsFx from any duty to inform the Client of the amount of such Operational Premiums or Operational Expenses, if any.
The Client acknowledges, recognizes and agrees that AssetsFx may occasionally receive certain retrocession from Counterparties, banks and other third parties involved in the transactions executed by AssetsFx for the account of its clients, including the Client, and that AssetsFx has the right to receive and retain such payments; AssetsFx will provide the Client from time to time, upon written request, with information regarding such payments.
Each trading order shall be considered as an instruction of the Client to Counterparty on the manner to execute the mandate contemplated under Clause 2.1, and not a new, independent mandate.
AssetsFx may provide the Client with any programming tools to facilitate the planning of the trading activity of the Client. Such tools shall be provided on “AS IS” and “WITH ALL ITS FAULTS” basis. All technical facilities of planning the trading orders shall be provided exclusively for the convenience of the Client at the sole discretion of AssetsFx and shall be used by the Client at its own risk.
The information provided by AssetsFx through the Metatrader 4 Platform and/or the website of AssetsFx may be based on and reflect information provided by third parties, and it may prove to be faulty, unverified or unverifiable. Such information shall be provided exclusively for informational purposes and shall not be subject to any liability of AssetsFx, whether for providing such information, or for any results of using it.
In order for the Client to be able to transfer and receive any communications to and from AssetsFx, AssetsFx shall, for the convenience of the Client, provide the Client with different means of communications: telephone, email, fax and others. The Client shall be entitled to use any of the means of communication at his own discretion for the purpose of communication with AssetsFx. All the means of communication shall be provided by AssetsFx strictly on “AS IS” and “WITH ALL ITS FAULTS” basis, and any mistakes, errors, interruptions or unavailability of any of the means of communication shall not expose AssetsFx to any liability towards the Client. Any and all mistakes, errors, interruptions or unavailability of the means of communication may lead to mistakes, errors, interruptions or unavailability of trading;
The Client acknowledges, agrees and accepts the possible occurrence of such mistakes, errors, interruptions or unavailability, and agrees not to hold AssetsFx in any way liable for such occurrence and/or its consequences.
The Client acknowledges the electronic nature of the Metatrader 4 Platform and the inherent risk that communications by electronic means may not reach their intended destination or may do so much later than intended for reasons outside the control of the parties to this Agreement.
The Client agrees that AssetsFx may record and/or protocol all telephone conversations, Internet conversations (chats), and meetings between the Client and AssetsFx, as well as use such recordings or transcripts from such recordings, as evidence towards any party (including but not limited to any regulatory authority and/or any court of law) to whom AssetsFx at its entire discretion sees it to be desirable or necessary to disclose such information in any dispute or anticipated dispute between AssetsFx and the Client. However, technical reasons may prevent AssetsFx from making the above recordings. Consequently, the Client should not rely on such recordings to be available.
In case of joint account holders, their liability shall be joint and several, and AssetsFx may act upon instructions received from any of them.
The concept of “Live Trading Account” shall, for the purpose of this Agreement, have exclusively the meaning traditionally established in the FX industry practice, i. e. the Live Trading Account shall limit the maximum size of the Client’s FX transactions and multi - currency exposure. The granting of the Live Trading Account shall not establish a credit or similar relationship between AssetsFx as a creditor and the Client as a debtor.
The amount of the Live Trading Account shall be calculated by AssetsFx in the basic currency, by multiplying the Equity of the account of the Client by the leverage determined by AssetsFx.
The trading leverage provided by AssetsFx to the Client shall be subject to change at the sole discretion of AssetsFx, according to the usual practice of AssetsFx considering the general FX market circumstances, the Equity of the account of the Client, the type of trading activity of the Client, the day of the week, the holiday’s calendar and other factors.
AssetsFx shall be entitled to use and operate with the funds on the account of the Clients to obtain the FX trading-lines from the third parties that are necessary to provide the corresponding Live Trading Account to the Client. Based on the market conditions, Client's trading style and volume, trades may be executed at LP, interbank or bank level as STP.
The Client shall not be entitled to withdraw funds from his account in case he has a trading exposure, i. e., while he uses the Live Trading Account. In order to withdraw the funds, the Client shall be obliged to close all trading positions on his account. If a Stop Out execution has resulted in a negative Balance of the Client's Trading Account, the Client shall be liable for this loss. AssetsFx reserves the right to move any client account including the funds to another brokerage company. In case of such move, the client will receive an advance notice by email at least 14 days before the account will be moved.
13. Exclusion and limitation of liability.
The Client agrees not to hold AssetsFx or any of its officers, directors, employees, agents, subsidiaries or affiliates liable for any trading losses or other losses that may be incurred by the Client, except in case of willful default or gross negligence. AssetsFx shall in particular not be liable for any loss of any kind suffered or incurred by the Client (i) as a result of AssetsFx’s negligence, or (ii) caused by the auxiliary persons of AssetsFx.
AssetsFx assumes no liability towards the Client for the ability of the Metatrader 4 Platform to meet the user’s requirements, be error-free, or operate without interruption, or that information transmitted through the Metatrader 4 Platform (or via phone) shall be accurate or timely. AssetsFx shall also assume no liability for other users of the Metatrader 4 Platform or any employees of AssetsFx to perform as expected. The Metatrader 4 Platform shall be provided strictly on “AS IS” and “WITH ALL ITS FAULTS” basis.
Either party is entitled to terminate the present Agreement at any time by giving no less than seven (7) days prior written notice, including but not limited to notice given by e-mail to the other party, such notice to specify the date on which the termination is to become effective. No penalty shall be payable by either party upon termination of the Agreement. Termination shall in no way affect any rights and obligations accrued hereunder until the date of termination.
At the moment of termination of this Agreement, AssetsFx and the Client undertake to complete all transactions that are already in progress and the terms of the Agreement shall continue to bind both parties in relation to such transactions. AssetsFx shall be entitled to deduct all amounts due to it before transferring any funds on any account of the Client, and AssetsFx shall be entitled to postpone such transferring until any and all positions between AssetsFx and the Client are closed. Furthermore, AssetsFx shall be entitled to require the Client to pay any charges incurred in transferring the Client’s investments.
The termination of the Agreement shall extinguish the right of the Client to use any and all of AssetsFx’s software and systems that it has made available to the Client during the Agreement.
15. Amendments to the Agreement.
AssetsFx shall be entitled to amend the Agreement at any time by notifying the customer by email. Such changes shall become effective immediately unless disapproved by the Client within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of notification, in which case the parties may exercise their right to terminate the Agreement in accordance with Clause 14.
Neither party shall disclose to any person (unless required to do so by any applicable law or by any regulatory or supervisory authority or by any other person entitled by law to require such disclosure) any information relating to the business, investments, finances or other matters of confidential nature of the other party which it may in the course of its duties or otherwise become aware, and each party shall use all reasonable endeavors to prevent any such disclosure.
By entering into the Agreement, the Client authorizes AssetsFx to disclose such information relating to the Client as may be required by any law, rule or regulatory authority, including any applicable Market Rules, without prior notice to the Client.
The rights and remedies contained in the Agreement shall be cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law. No delay or omission of AssetsFx in exercising any right, power or remedy provided by law or under this Agreement, or partial or defective exercise thereof, shall:
Impair or prevent any further or other exercise of such right, power or remedy; or.
Operate as a waiver of such right, power or remedy.
No waiver of any breach of any term of the Agreement shall (unless expressly agreed in writing by the waiving party) be construed as a waiver of any future breach of the same term or as authorizing a continuation of the particular breach.
The Client shall indemnify AssetsFx and keep AssetsFx indemnified against all losses, taxes, expenses, costs and liabilities whatsoever (present, future, contingent or otherwise, and including reasonable legal fees) which may be suffered or incurred by AssetsFx as a result of or in connection with:
Any breach of the Agreement by the Client;
AssetsFx entering into any transaction for the account of the Client hereunder;
AssetsFx taking any of the steps which AssetsFx is entitled to take upon the occurrence of an event of default; unless and only to the extent that such losses, taxes, expenses, costs and liabilities are suffered or incurred as a result of AssetsFx’s gross negligence or willful default.
These indemnities shall be in addition to any other right, indemnity or claim which AssetsFx may have under this Agreement or general law and shall not be affected by any variation or limitation of this Agreement.
This indemnity shall survive any termination of the Agreement.
In case the Client has a complaint against AssetsFx, the Client is obliged to address the complaint to AssetsFx in writing. Subsequently, AssetsFx is obliged to investigate the complaint promptly and fully.
Without prejudice to any other rights of AssetsFx under this Agreement, in case the Client and AssetsFx are in a dispute on a trading order, AssetsFx shall be entitled at its sole discretion and without any prior notice to take any and all actions AssetsFx reasonably believes to be desirable for the purpose of limiting the maximum amount involved in the dispute. AssetsFx shall not be liable for, or be under any obligation to the Client in connection with, any subsequent fluctuations in the level of the exposure of the accounts of the Client.
20. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction.
The Agreement is subject to, and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Finland as the sole and exclusive governing law.
This Clause shall survive any termination of the Agreement.
The Agreement shall be for the benefit of, and binding for both the Client and AssetsFx, and for their respective successors and assigns, but the Client may not assign any of his rights and obligations under the Agreement or under any transaction without prior written consent of AssetsFx.
AssetsFx shall have the right to transfer and/or assign, at its sole discretion, to a third party, whether or not affiliated with AssetsFx, all or part of its rights and/or obligations under this Agreement, including without limitation the duties assumed by AssetsFx under Clause 2.1, and the Client shall be deemed to accept such transfer and/or assignment.
Any existing or future legal and regulatory provisions in the field of banking services, data protection, money laundering, the operation and use of the Internet or any other regulation applicable in the frame of the services offered by AssetsFx remain reserved and shall apply to AssetsFx’s services as from the date when they come into effect.
The Client is aware and acknowledges that by using the Internet from abroad, he may infringe the law applicable in such other country. Certain software components such as coding algorithms may be subject to import and export restrictions in certain countries. The Client undertakes to inform himself and assumes sole liability for risks implied by foreign legislation. AssetsFx bears no responsibility concerning the infringement of foreign law when the Client is using its services.
If at any time any provision of the Agreement is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under the law of any jurisdiction, neither the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Agreement under the law of that jurisdiction nor the legality, validity or enforceability of such provision under the law of any other jurisdiction shall be in any way affected.
The Client undertakes to notify AssetsFx without delay of any changes of his personal or contact details or of any other information relevant to this Agreement.
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